Cinema4d Notes

Import curve
File > Merge (illustrator .ai file v8 or older)

Extrude geometry from curve
Select curve and hold alt and press the “Extrude Nurbs” icon under the HyperNurbs dropdown (at the top)

Alternatively, select the curve and press the extrude button, drag the curve under extrude node in the outliner.
You can edit the values of the extrude in the attribute editor; change its distance and give it bevelled edges.

Create a curve
Select the “Bezier” button under the “freehand” dropdown (at the top).
Next, we’re going to create a box to duplicate along the curve.

Geometry primitives

Duplicate a box around a curve
Select the box and go Tools > arrange objects > duplicate.

In the attrEditor change the number of copies and “clone mode” to instances.
To copy them along a curve; under the “position” tab, press enable on and mouse drag the curve, from the outliner, into the “spline” text box in the attrEditor.
Turn on the Enable Rotation to make the duplicates bank around the curve correctly.

Simple copying of objects
In the outliner, ctrl and drag the object into an open space in the window.

Extrude a profile curve along a curve path
Create your first curve as a path. Create a circle as your profile, and parent them both under a “sweep nurbs” node.

Make a new material in the hypershade
Double click in the window to get a default shader.
Alternatively, press create > shader and select a preset material.

Viewport shortcuts
Middle mouse click in the viewport to change to quad view. Middle mouse click over a view to expand it full screen.
F2 = TOP

Applying a “deformer” and a “tweak”
Unlike the mesh tweaks e.g. extrude, where you would hold alt and select your tweak, and the object goes under the extrude node in the outliner.
With a deformer, you first select your geometry and hold shift and go Create > deformer > wrap for example, and the wrap deformer goes under the object in the outliner.

Other deformers can be found here:

Moving an objects pivot point
Firstly, you can’t change an objects pivot until it’s been made into an editable poly, so select your object and press the “make editable” button (top left of the screen).

Now, you can move the pivot – select the “Enable Axis” button,

and move the manipulator to where you want the pivot. You can also type in exact coordinates in the channel box to place the pivot more accurately. Remember to deselect the Enable Axis button once you’re happy with its new position.

Merge Vertices
Mesh > create tools > weld
The option will provide a preview of whether the verts merged to a specified point or an average of the points.

Split Edge tool
Mesh > Create tools > Knife tool

Create Edge Loop
Select knife tool and in the attr editor, change mode to “loop” click and drag on an edge to draw a loop.

Add vertex to edge
Right click the object and press “create point” and select an edge to place a new vertex.

Mirror Polygon
Select geometry, hold alt and select the symmetry button under the Array dropdown

Convert mirrored geometry to polygon
Select symmetry node in the outliner and press “make editable”. The symmetry object is converted to a null and can now be deleted.

Smooth geometry
Select geo and alt click “hyper Nurbs”

Hide Object in the display and hide object in render

Upper dot: Viewer
Lower dot: Render

Checkmark/Cross: Turning on or off objects/generators

Red dot: not shown
green dot: shown, even if parent is hidden
grey dot: shown, unless parent is hidden

Holding Alt while clicking, switches both dots.

Mesh > create tools > bridge
In edge selection drag from one edge another edge

Extrude inward
Extrudes poly face into itself along the polygon plane

Select Edge Loop
Double click the edge

Delete Edge
Select edge and go Mesh > commands > melt

Translate selected vertices to edges or faces and visa versa
Click your vertex then shift select the edge button on the left tool box

Soft Selection
Mesh > transform tools > Magnet

Expression Editor (node based)
Right click the object you want to apply the expression to in the outliner. Cinema4dTags > Expresso
In the xpresso window you can right click > create “new nodes” to do calculations. The blue side (left) of a node is the input and the red is the output.

Sine wave Deformer
“Formula” deformer – resize the container to change its amplitude and frequency.

Display Layer
Window > layer manager
If you right click in the outliner on the object you can assign it to a new or existing layer.

Light Linking
Under the Project tab in attrEditor of the selected light, set the Mode to include or exclude and drag the objects (from the outliner) you want visible by the light.

Look through light
Select light, in camera view go cameras > set active as camera

Animation key

Next to each animatable attribute you’ll find a small grey circle. If you right click over the circle > animation > add keyframe. Otherwise you can simply ctrl click on the circle to add keyframe.

Show the Graph Editor

Right click over the attribute in the ‘coord’ tab e.g. translate Y key, go Animation > show F-Curve

Camera Sequencer
Floor dropdown > stage
Key in different at different points on the timeline by dragging the camera node into the came input of the stage node in the attrEditor.

Render > make preview

Rendering a sequence
Render > add to render queue…. Then….
Render > render queue…. Then….. Jobs > start rendering

Render Local
Shortcut = ctrl + R
Or Render > render to Picture viewer

Swap between multiple c4d documents
Window > choose the files at the bottom of the “window” dropdown.

Global Illumination
Render settings > effect > global illumination
Use geometry with a high intensity “luminance” value on the shader.

Render Stats
Right click an object in the outliner and select cinema4dtags > compositing.
Primary visibility = seen by camera

World or Local Transformation
Toggle on/off the coordinate system button

Ambient Occlusion
You can add ambient occlusion to the texture dropdown of the diffusion attribute a material

Alternatively, open render settings and go “effect” and select ambient occlusion to give all objects in the render AO.

In render settings, right click “multipass” and select a preset pass to add to it e.g. specular, reflection, ambient occlusion.

Multipass – create ID pass
Right click the object, in the outliner, that you want to make into an ID pass and go cinema4dtag > compositing. This will create this tag

Open this in the attrEditor > “object buffer” tab, and turn on the buffer and set it to 1.
If you want to add another object to this ID pass then repeat these steps – be sure to set the buffer to the same number for both composing tags on each object.

Now in the render settings, right click over “multipass” and select “object buffer” and change the “Group ID” to the same number as the “object buffer” – in this case, make it 1.
After you’ve done this you can rename the pass name by double clicking it, e.g. ‘sphereMAT’.

Creating a depth Pass

  1. In render settings > right click ‘multipass’ and select Depth
  2. Go to the top view above your render camera.
  3. Under the ‘Object’ tab of the camera, change the focus distance so it aligns with the furthest distance you want in the depth pass.
  4. Set the near point by going to the ‘Details’ tab of the camera and turn on ‘DOF map front blur’. Slide the ‘End’ value to be at the front of your scene.

Save the passes
Render settings > save dropdown
The ”regular image” tab is the final output for the equivalent to the Master Beauty layer. The “multipass image” tab is where you set the output location for the passes.

Open EXR compression
Under the “options” button pick “zip, one scan line at a time”.

“Compositing Project File”
Turn on Save and change target Application to After Effects or Nuke. An After Effects AES file or nuke file will be created with the render.

Preview the passes locally
You can see a preview of all the passes made in the render settings, by going to Render > render to picture viewer window – under the “layer” tab.

Bringing in a Maya camera

Before exporting a Maya camera to be brought into C4D using alembic, make sure you bake out all the animated channels, as C4D interprets animation tangents differently, in its graph editor.

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